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Rancho Little League

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District 71 Boundaries

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Division Descriptions & League Age Calculator

Division Descriptions & League Age Calculator

Please use this chart to determine your player's league age. It's important to know your player's league age as it could be different than the player's real age. The league age is what is used to determine the division the player can play.

General Rules for division selection: 

T-Ball (Ages 4-6):
  An introductory program that focuses on the basics of throwing, hitting, fielding, and teamwork. The ball is thrown by a coach or hit off of a tee, making this a great starting point for young players.

Rookie A (Ages 5-8): This division introduces players to a machine pitch format to build batting confidence and further develop basic baseball skills. It's ideal for players ready to advance from T-Ball.  Must have completed one season of T-Ball.

Rookie AA (Ages 6-9): Players experience live kid-pitch games for the first time in a competitive environment. Pitching is done from a modified shorter distance compared to minors.  Focus remains on player development, rotating through multiple positions, and learning the fundamentals of pitching and catching.  Must have completed one season of Rookie A.

Minors (Ages 8-11): A more competitive division where players refine their skills and play full Little League games, including keeping score. This division prepares players for the Majors.  All players must try out for this division.  If a player is league age 8 or 9 years old and not drafted, they will be placed on a Rookie AA team. 

Majors (Ages 9-12): Little League World Series qualifier, This is the highest level of competition on a Little League field.  Players must try out and once placed on a team will not need to try out again.  If a player is league age 9 or 10 years old and not drafted, they will be drafted on a Minor team.

Juniors (Ages 13-14): Played on a full-size field with standard baseball rules, this division helps prepare players for high school baseball.  Players must try out at the upper division try-out date, unless already on a team.  If a current player would like to try out for seniors, they must try-out.  

Seniors (Ages 13-16):  The most advanced level in Little League, this division offers players the opportunity to compete on a full-sized diamond, further refining their skills.  Current senior players do not need to try-out at this level.  Current players that are eligible for Junior divisions may try out and request to be moved down into the Junior draft.  League age 13 or 14 year olds that are not drafted will be drafted on a Junior team.

Little league Age chart for 2025:

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